- Care 2 Know: What They Hide From You !!! -                        - Global Press On Google+ !!! Check It, Check It, Don't Wreck It !!! -        - Public Notice Of Criminal Investigation - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!           

To:    Law Enforcement & Administration Officials of S.O.A. & U.S.A.


From:         Detective Hits !!! World Wide !!! Investigations & Prosecutions Network !!!

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The Citizens' Oversight, Review & Regulatory Committee

                    The Investigation To Secure My Nation Foundation

                   Marshal Joe (a.k.a. Russell Richard Robinson)


Re:    North Pole Police - Attack – Again !!!


Date:          December 20, 2013


            Please Be Advised:


Around or about 9:30 pm Friday evening of December 20, 2013 – in the vicinity of Safeway Mall parking lot in North Pole, Alaska - the North Pole Police responded to yet another “Telephone Attack” (in a long history, and series of thousands, of these “Telephone Attacks”) against Marshal Joe (a.k.a. Russell Richard Robinson) when employee(s) of the Safeway store committed the crimes of making false reports, making false accusations, making false statements, lying to police and willingly participating or actively engaging in a criminal conspiracy to commit … supposedly stating that Marshal Joe was “Handing Out” notices on their property/premises.  Obvious lies on at least 2 points of fact:


1.      The Marshal was not “handing out” notices at all … he had just recently pulled in to the parking lot of the Safeway Mall and was sitting in his vehicle making a telephone call and doing some computer work when “Terrorist Cell Operatives” / “Enemy Sympathizers” / “911 Callers” from Safeway made their false reports on him to the police.

2.      Marshal Joe (a.k.a. Russell Richard Robinson) - WAS NOT – NOR HAS HE EVER BEEN – “handing out notices on their premises”.  The only time he has been “on their premises” was to go to his bank (Ak USA), Sentry Hardware, the Safeway store itself, meet with a colleague or to simply make some phone calls, do some computer work for a few, etc …  The only time Marshal Joe ever engages in “handing out notices” he would have been running investigations operations with a communications sign of some sort or another while posting / serving / circulating legal notice of criminal investigation in a “conspicuous place” (a requirement of law) on the sidewalk off the “main drag” between the “round-abouts” in North Pole … in the vicinity of the Safeway store.

Both points of fact are easily proven by the responding officers themselves whom were witness to the facts as stated above, as well as hundreds (if not thousands) of witnesses that see (and have seen) Marshal Joe “handing out notices” … FROM THE SIDEWALK … Yet, once again, the North Pole Police committed another count of: willingly participating or actively engaging in a criminal conspiracy to commit; aiding & abetting a criminal conspiracy; crimes of discrimination; crimes of harassment; obstruction of justice; interfering with a criminal investigation; etc; because they did not arrest the “Terrorist Cell Operatives” / “Enemy Sympathizers” / “911 Callers” who made these false reports and instead; assisted their criminal activity by responding to their false report against Marshal Joe as 2 North Pole Police Officers approached him (sitting in his vehicle in the parking lot as stated above) telling him of the (false) “accusations”, verbally advise him that he is “Trespassed” from Safeway’s premises.  Thus, setting the stage now for a future attack where they can arrest Marshal Joe when he goes on the sidewalk in the vicinity of Safeway because these criminals will call the police on him with their lies and say “that guy’s back over here “handing out notices” on our property again and he’s been trespassed from here, we want him arrested” … blah … blah … blah.  And to add a little extra meat to the meal these criminals will probably even pull into play some of the “paid witnesses” in their crew to help “Run The Marshal Through” … so as to speak … because that’s what they quite frequently do in the “Business Attack” / “Trespass Attack” elements of their criminal conspiracy.

                        - Care 2 Know: What They Hide From You !!! -                        - Global Press On Google+ !!! Check It, Check It, Don't Wreck It !!! -        - Public Notice Of Criminal Investigation - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!        - The Largest, Most Diabolical Criminal Conspiracy - Get The Word !!!           